Friday, November 12, 2010

"Confession or Repentance?" by: Jared Keiffer

Should I confess or repent of my sin?

Sin is such a serious issue, literally life or death, that it is certainly essential to understand how to handle it in relationship with the Savior.
The central message of Christ’s message on earth was “Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” (Matthew 4:17) This is seemingly the summary of all that he preached and taught during His earthly ministry.

Repentance, in terms of man, is a call for him to return to his creaturely dependence on God. It’s not just feeling sorry, or changing one’s mind, but it’s a turning round, a complete alteration of the basic motivation and direction of one’s life. This helps us to understand why John the Baptist was bringing a baptism of repentance to the Jews in the same way as he brought it to the ‘sinners’. They needed an alteration of their base religious motivations.

Before tossing aside confession, let’s look at the usage. We are absolutely instructed to confess our sins to one another and bear with one another (James 5:16). But are we to confess our sins to Christ? I John 1:9 would indicate that we absolutely should. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. The word itself (confess) is from a Greek verb meaning “to say the same thing”. Essentially, confessing is simply agreeing with God with what He has said about your sin. It’s gross, it’s terrible, and it’s an abomination to His holiness.

It seems essential, then, that we take our confession and agreement with God about our sin, and repent of it. We can confess and tell God what he already knows, which is absolutely vital. But then we must take the next step in the process to repent of that sin, turn from that sin.

Many times while driving all around this country I get on the wrong road. I think I’m on the right road, but I’m not. And what I’ve noticed is that it doesn’t matter how long I stay on that road, hoping it’s the right road, it is always still the wrong road. It doesn’t magically turn into the road I wanted it to be. I must realize that it’s the wrong road, confess it (to my wife who told me this 15 miles ago), and turn from the course. I have to alter my direction.

When it comes to sin, confess it! But don’t stop there. Change your motivation and your course, and pursue the path of obedience to the Word of God. Christ died on the cross for this exact purpose, so that he could cleanse you from unrighteousness and deliver you from disobedience.

If you’re surfing for pornography, trapped in deceit or lies, or are damaging others that you are in relationship with, you know where you are headed. Confess your sins to a brother or sister, walk in accountability with them, and change your course. That’s what repentance is. And it’s what Jesus is continuing to call us into.

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